Most people access CBD in its oil format. However, it can also be found in a variety of other forms. Here we discuss the most popular forms.
When we think about the medical properties of cannabis, we focus on THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and its psychoactive properties. As the medical community becomes more interested in marijuana, one of the other compounds within the plant has begun to take center stage. Since CBD (cannabidiol) aids patients with a number of conditions and only causes minimal (and no psychoactive) side effects, it’s a great option for children and patients looking to remain sober.
Much like its THC-laden counterpart, CBD oil is typically smoked or vaporized. For patients who might not want to inhale, however, it can also be found in a variety of other forms.
In comparison to oils, tinctures are not as concentrated, but they have been successfully used for pain management. Tinctures can come in either a vial and dropper or in a spray, and can easily be flavored. Patients can place a few drops into a cup of tea, or directly under the tongue. Because tinctures don’t require digestion to become activated, they are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, taking effect in as few as 15 minutes.
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Because CBD is an anti-inflammatory, it can be used on its own to treat a variety of pain-related conditions. Especially when incorporated into edibles, this chemical can provide effective relief for those suffering from chronic conditions.
Since edibles need to be digested, they can take up to 90 minutes for the effects to be fully realized, but the trade-off is more enduring relief than smoke or vapor can provide. Due to this delay as well as the challenges in controlling doses in edibles, it’s important to choose edible products that are correctly dosed and regulated.
Shop Edibles Here
Topical Lotions and Massage Oils
Sometimes patients don’t need full body pain relief or the relaxation that comes with ingesting CBD. Topicals are a great way to provide localized pain relief, relax muscles, and ease the stiffness and inflammation of arthritis. There is even evidence that suggests topicals can help with a variety of skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
Topicals can be found in many forms including lotions and massage oils. They are applied directly to the affected area, and either rubbed in or left to absorb. Topicals can also be combined with any number of other ingredients to create calming aromas or even provide additional benefits like extra pain relief or skin conditioning.
Its become possible for people to avoid the high that comes with ingesting cannabis, while still treating a growing number of medical conditions. As research into the effects of CBD on the body advances and dispensaries are permitted to sell these products, there will be even more opportunities for people to treat themselves in a healthy and targeted manner.